OpenGL Roundup, Fall Edition

There’s been a lot of changes in the graphics programming community, with Google’s latest version of Android now supporting OpenGL ES 3.1, which brings support for compute shaders, as well as an Android-specific extension pack which adds support for additional features. Apple has chosen to go the proprietary route by remaining with OpenGL ES 3.0 for now and by introducing Metal, a new API which promises to increase performance and reduce driver overhead.

Here are some more links for your fall reading:

Tri-morph – A first game by a reader of Learn OpenGL ES.

Cubist artwork with the help of a GPU

A pretty huge debate about OpenGL has erupted in the dev community involving devs from Valve, Epic, Firaxis, and AMD

Google I/0 2014

A Closer Look at Android RunTime (ART) in Android L

Secrets of Swift’s Speed

Musings On A Year Of Living C++

Rust by Example

Enjoy the fall colours! 🙂

OpenGL Roundup, April 29, 2014: Milestones

Two big names in the game development community are celebrating their achievements as they reach important milestones and bring their work to the community:

libGDX 1.0 released

Zero to 95,688: How I wrote Game Programming Patterns

Congrats to you guys, and thanks for sharing your work with the world!

In other news, I’d like to thank El androide libre and Mobile Phone Development for linking to A Performance Comparison Between Java and C on the Nexus 5, which turned out to be more controversial than expected! A member of the Google team has kindly offered to help out with bringing the benchmark to RenderScript, so that will be interesting to see.

OpenGL Roundup, April 10, 2014: GDC 2014 Report, libgdx 1.0, Data-Oriented Design and More…

Top stories

GDC 2014 Report

libgdx: We’ll go 1.0 next weekend!

Recent posts

A Performance Comparison Between Java and C on the Nexus 5

How Powerful Is Your Nexus 7?

Finishing up Our Native Air Hockey Project with Touch Events and Basic Collision Detection

Android native development

Android on x86: Java Native Interface and the Android Native Development Kit 

jnigen wiki page

Wrapping a C++ library with JNI – introduction

Game industry & development

How In-app Purchases Have Destroyed The Industry

How in-app purchase is not really destroying the games industry

How to become a Graphics Programmer in the games industry

The indie roadmap

You Don’t Need Millions of Dollars

Online books and references

Data-Oriented Design

Game Programming Patterns


OpenGL articles & tutorials

OpenGL dumb mistakes: the mysterious Perfect Circular Hole

GLKit to the max: OpenGL ES 2.0 for iOS

Web development

Asset loading in emscripten and PNaCl

Compiling to the Web

First 3D Commercial Web Game Powered By asm.js Unveiled

On Asm.js

Playing With Emscripten and ASM.js


Farewell DirectX

Modern C++: What you need to know

Never Again in Graphics: Unforgivable graphic curses.

Support RoboVM (and get Java 8 and other Goodies)

OpenGL Roundup, November 4, 2013

Android 4.4 for Game Developers


New Adventures in C++ with Cinder and More

Objectively Stylish — The NYTimes Objective-C style guide.

Vivante Unveils Less than 1 mm2 OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU for Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Why use a Graphics Library instead of an Engine? (Ex: OpenGL vs Unity) – Graphics Programming and Theory –

From the libgdx blog: “Intel Developer Zone and  are holding a couple of code fests over the next few weeks in BerlinNew York and Santa Clara. During these events, Intel will help you port your Android apps using native code to x86, free of charge!”

Check out the source code for the new front end:

OpenGL Roundup, October 28, 2013: Narasimha Live Wallpaper, Military Mobile and more…

This time around, we have some new live wallpapers as well as a new Android application using OpenGL ES 2.0. Check them out below…

3D Ganesh Live Wallpaper


3D Narasimha Live Wallpaper


3D Jagannath Live Wallpaper


Military Mobile

Military Mobile features accurate information regarding Military Bases, Military Ribbons, and Military Ranks. Military Mobile also comes with quizzes on US Military subject matter, as well as a rich set of social features.
military-mobile-1 military-mobile-2 military-mobile-3


Until next time!

OpenGL Roundup, October 1, 2013: Hexscreen 3D Live Wallpaper and more…

A fellow developer and blogger, Hisham, has released his Hexscreen 3D Live Wallpaper to the market, and it looks quite cool. Check it out:




The wallpaper can be downloaded from Google Play.

In other news…

Libgdx and Bullet Physics on iOS via RoboVM

OpenGL Roundup, September 19, 2013

Here’s the beginning of a new series on OpenGL ES 2.0 for iOS, using Apple’s GLKit.

ROBOVM BACKEND IN LIBGDX NIGHTLIES AND FIRST PERFORMANCE FIGURES! – Libgdx is moving to a new backend for iOS that uses RoboVM, a Java to machine code compiler for iOS. Initial performance figures look good!

Zero to Sixty in One Second – the developer & designer behind has redesigned his header and website using WebGL, and I have to say that it looks very cool.

And now for something completely different…

Using runtime-compiled C++ code as a scripting language.

OpenGL Roundup, September 12, 2013

As some of you may already know, Apple recently announced the iPhone 5s & 5c at their annual iPhone event, and one of the new updates is that the iPhone 5s will also be coming with support for OpenGL ES 3.0! Google announced support for OpenGL ES 3.0 with their release of Android 4.3 not too long ago, so the new version is slowly making its way onto mobile devices.

OpenGL ES 3.0 is backwards-compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0, so everything you learned about OpenGL ES 2.0 still applies. This post from Phoronix goes into more detail about what the new version brings: A Look At OpenGL ES 3.0: Lots Of Good Stuff.

On to the roundup:

Ghoshehsoft’s Blog – A look at many topics related to OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android.

Project Anarchy – “Project Anarchy is a complete end to end game engine and state-of-the-art toolset for mobile. Project Anarchy also comprises a vibrant game development community centered right here at Project Anarchy includes an entirely free license to ship your game on iOS, Android and Tizen platforms.”

emscripten and PNaCl: Build Systems

What Does gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart Mean?

Theoretical Engineering: Occlusion Culling for BrickSmith

OpenGL Roundup, June 24, 2013

Here are some interesting links I’ve come across recently:


