Finishing Up Our Native Air Hockey Project With Touch Events and Basic Collision Detection

In this post in the air hockey series, we’re going to wrap up our air hockey project and add touch event handling and basic collision detection with support for Android, iOS, and emscripten.


This lesson continues the air hockey project series, building upon the code from GitHub for ‘article-3-matrices-and-objects’. Here are the previous posts in this series:

Setting up a simple build system

Adding support for PNG loading into a texture

Adding a 3d perspective, mallets, and a puck

Updating our game code for touch interaction

The first thing we’ll do is update the core to add touch interaction to the game. We’ll first need to add some helper functions to a new core file called geometry.h.


Let’s start off with the following code:

#include "linmath.h"

typedef struct {
	vec3 point;
	vec3 vector;
} Ray;

typedef struct {
	vec3 point;
	vec3 normal;
} Plane;

typedef struct {
	vec3 center;
	float radius;
} Sphere;

These are a few typedefs that build upon linmath.h to add a few basic types that we’ll use in our code. Let’s wrap up geometry.h:

static inline int sphere_intersects_ray(Sphere sphere, Ray ray);
static inline float distance_between(vec3 point, Ray ray);
static inline void ray_intersection_point(vec3 result, Ray ray, Plane plane);

static inline int sphere_intersects_ray(Sphere sphere, Ray ray) {
	if (distance_between(, ray) < sphere.radius)
		return 1;
	return 0;

static inline float distance_between(vec3 point, Ray ray) {
	vec3 p1_to_point;
	vec3_sub(p1_to_point, point, ray.point);
	vec3 p2_to_point;
	vec3 translated_ray_point;
	vec3_add(translated_ray_point, ray.point, ray.vector);
	vec3_sub(p2_to_point, point, translated_ray_point);

	// The length of the cross product gives the area of an imaginary
	// parallelogram having the two vectors as sides. A parallelogram can be
	// thought of as consisting of two triangles, so this is the same as
	// twice the area of the triangle defined by the two vectors.
	vec3 cross_product;
	vec3_mul_cross(cross_product, p1_to_point, p2_to_point);
	float area_of_triangle_times_two = vec3_len(cross_product);
	float length_of_base = vec3_len(ray.vector);

	// The area of a triangle is also equal to (base * height) / 2. In
	// other words, the height is equal to (area * 2) / base. The height
	// of this triangle is the distance from the point to the ray.
	float distance_from_point_to_ray = area_of_triangle_times_two / length_of_base;
	return distance_from_point_to_ray;

// This also treats rays as if they were infinite. It will return a
// point full of NaNs if there is no intersection point.
static inline void ray_intersection_point(vec3 result, Ray ray, Plane plane) {
	vec3 ray_to_plane_vector;
	vec3_sub(ray_to_plane_vector, plane.point, ray.point);

	float scale_factor = vec3_mul_inner(ray_to_plane_vector, plane.normal)
					   / vec3_mul_inner(ray.vector, plane.normal);

	vec3 intersection_point;
	vec3 scaled_ray_vector;
	vec3_scale(scaled_ray_vector, ray.vector, scale_factor);
	vec3_add(intersection_point, ray.point, scaled_ray_vector);
	memcpy(result, intersection_point, sizeof(intersection_point));

We’ll do a line-sphere intersection test to see if we’ve touched the mallet using our fingers or a mouse. Once we’ve grabbed the mallet, we’ll do a line-plane intersection test to determine where to place the mallet on the board.


We’ll need two new function prototypes in game.h:

void on_touch_press(float normalized_x, float normalized_y);
void on_touch_drag(float normalized_x, float normalized_y);


Now we can begin the implementation in game.c. Add the following in the appropriate places to the top of the file:

#include "geometry.h"
// ...
static const float puck_radius = 0.06f;
static const float mallet_radius = 0.08f;

static const float left_bound = -0.5f;
static const float right_bound = 0.5f;
static const float far_bound = -0.8f;
static const float near_bound = 0.8f;
// ...
static mat4x4 inverted_view_projection_matrix;

static int mallet_pressed;
static vec3 blue_mallet_position;
static vec3 previous_blue_mallet_position;
static vec3 puck_position;
static vec3 puck_vector;

static Ray convert_normalized_2D_point_to_ray(float normalized_x, float normalized_y);
static void divide_by_w(vec4 vector);
static float clamp(float value, float min, float max);

We’ll now begin with the code for handling a touch press:

void on_touch_press(float normalized_x, float normalized_y) {
	Ray ray = convert_normalized_2D_point_to_ray(normalized_x, normalized_y);

	// Now test if this ray intersects with the mallet by creating a
	// bounding sphere that wraps the mallet.
	Sphere mallet_bounding_sphere = (Sphere) {
	mallet_height / 2.0f};

	// If the ray intersects (if the user touched a part of the screen that
	// intersects the mallet's bounding sphere), then set malletPressed =
	// true.
	mallet_pressed = sphere_intersects_ray(mallet_bounding_sphere, ray);

static Ray convert_normalized_2D_point_to_ray(float normalized_x, float normalized_y) {
	// We'll convert these normalized device coordinates into world-space
	// coordinates. We'll pick a point on the near and far planes, and draw a
	// line between them. To do this transform, we need to first multiply by
	// the inverse matrix, and then we need to undo the perspective divide.
	vec4 near_point_ndc = {normalized_x, normalized_y, -1, 1};
	vec4 far_point_ndc = {normalized_x, normalized_y,  1, 1};

    vec4 near_point_world, far_point_world;
    mat4x4_mul_vec4(near_point_world, inverted_view_projection_matrix, near_point_ndc);
    mat4x4_mul_vec4(far_point_world, inverted_view_projection_matrix, far_point_ndc);

	// Why are we dividing by W? We multiplied our vector by an inverse
	// matrix, so the W value that we end up is actually the *inverse* of
	// what the projection matrix would create. By dividing all 3 components
	// by W, we effectively undo the hardware perspective divide.

	// We don't care about the W value anymore, because our points are now
	// in world coordinates.
	vec3 near_point_ray = {near_point_world[0], near_point_world[1], near_point_world[2]};
	vec3 far_point_ray = {far_point_world[0], far_point_world[1], far_point_world[2]};
	vec3 vector_between;
	vec3_sub(vector_between, far_point_ray, near_point_ray);
	return (Ray) {
		{near_point_ray[0], near_point_ray[1], near_point_ray[2]},
		{vector_between[0], vector_between[1], vector_between[2]}};

static void divide_by_w(vec4 vector) {
	vector[0] /= vector[3];
	vector[1] /= vector[3];
	vector[2] /= vector[3];

This code first takes normalized touch coordinates which it receives from the Android, iOS or emscripten front ends, and then turns those touch coordinates into a 3D ray in world space. It then intersects the 3D ray with a bounding sphere for the mallet to see if we’ve touched the mallet.

Let’s continue with the code for handling a touch drag:

void on_touch_drag(float normalized_x, float normalized_y) {
	if (mallet_pressed == 0)

	Ray ray = convert_normalized_2D_point_to_ray(normalized_x, normalized_y);
	// Define a plane representing our air hockey table.
	Plane plane = (Plane) {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}};

	// Find out where the touched point intersects the plane
	// representing our table. We'll move the mallet along this plane.
	vec3 touched_point;
	ray_intersection_point(touched_point, ray, plane);

	memcpy(previous_blue_mallet_position, blue_mallet_position,

	// Clamp to bounds
	blue_mallet_position[0] =
		clamp(touched_point[0], left_bound + mallet_radius, right_bound - mallet_radius);
	blue_mallet_position[1] = mallet_height / 2.0f;
	blue_mallet_position[2] =
		clamp(touched_point[2], 0.0f + mallet_radius, near_bound - mallet_radius);

	// Now test if mallet has struck the puck.
	vec3 mallet_to_puck;
	vec3_sub(mallet_to_puck, puck_position, blue_mallet_position);
	float distance = vec3_len(mallet_to_puck);

	if (distance < (puck_radius + mallet_radius)) {
		// The mallet has struck the puck. Now send the puck flying
		// based on the mallet velocity.
		vec3_sub(puck_vector, blue_mallet_position, previous_blue_mallet_position);

static float clamp(float value, float min, float max) {
	return fmin(max, fmax(value, min));

Once we’ve grabbed the mallet, we move it across the air hockey table by intersecting the new touch point with the table to determine the new position on the table. We then move the mallet to that new position. We also check if the mallet has struck the puck, and if so, we use the movement distance to calculate the puck’s new velocity.

We next need to update the lines that initialize our objects inside on_surface_created() as follows:

puck = create_puck(puck_radius, puck_height, 32, puck_color);
	red_mallet = create_mallet(mallet_radius, mallet_height, 32, red);
	blue_mallet = create_mallet(mallet_radius, mallet_height, 32, blue);

	blue_mallet_position[0] = 0;
	blue_mallet_position[1] = mallet_height / 2.0f;
	blue_mallet_position[2] = 0.4f;
	puck_position[0] = 0;
	puck_position[1] = puck_height / 2.0f;
	puck_position[2] = 0;
	puck_vector[0] = 0;
	puck_vector[1] = 0;
	puck_vector[2] = 0;

The new linmath.h has merged in the custom code we added to our matrix_helper.h, so we no longer need that file. As part of those changes, our perspective method call in on_surface_changed() now needs the angle entered in radians, so let’s update that method call as follows:

mat4x4_perspective(projection_matrix, deg_to_radf(45),
	(float) width / (float) height, 1.0f, 10.0f);

We can then update on_draw_frame() to add the new movement code. Let’s first add the following to the top, right after the call to glClear():

// Translate the puck by its vector
	vec3_add(puck_position, puck_position, puck_vector);

	// If the puck struck a side, reflect it off that side.
	if (puck_position[0] < left_bound + puck_radius 
	 || puck_position[0] > right_bound - puck_radius) {
		puck_vector[0] = -puck_vector[0];
		vec3_scale(puck_vector, puck_vector, 0.9f);
	if (puck_position[2] < far_bound + puck_radius
	 || puck_position[2] > near_bound - puck_radius) {
		puck_vector[2] = -puck_vector[2];
		vec3_scale(puck_vector, puck_vector, 0.9f);

	// Clamp the puck position.
	puck_position[0] = 
		clamp(puck_position[0], left_bound + puck_radius, right_bound - puck_radius);
	puck_position[2] = 
		clamp(puck_position[2], far_bound + puck_radius, near_bound - puck_radius);

	// Friction factor
	vec3_scale(puck_vector, puck_vector, 0.99f);

This code will update the puck’s position and cause it to go bouncing around the table. We’ll also need to add the following after the call to mat4x4_mul(view_projection_matrix, projection_matrix, view_matrix);:

mat4x4_invert(inverted_view_projection_matrix, view_projection_matrix);

This sets up the inverted view projection matrix, which we need for turning the normalized touch coordinates back into world space coordinates.

Let’s finish up the changes to game.c by updating the following calls to position_object_in_scene():

position_object_in_scene(blue_mallet_position[0], blue_mallet_position[1],
// ...
position_object_in_scene(puck_position[0], puck_position[1], puck_position[2]);

Adding touch events to Android

With these changes in place, we now need to link in the touch events from each platform. We’ll start off with Android:

In, we first need to update the way that we create the renderer in onCreate():

final RendererWrapper rendererWrapper = new RendererWrapper(this);
// ...

Let’s add the touch listener:

glSurfaceView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
	if (event != null) {
		// Convert touch coordinates into normalized device
		// coordinates, keeping in mind that Android's Y
		// coordinates are inverted.
		final float normalizedX = (event.getX() / (float) v.getWidth()) * 2 - 1;
		final float normalizedY = -((event.getY() / (float) v.getHeight()) * 2 - 1);

		if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
			glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				rendererWrapper.handleTouchPress(normalizedX, normalizedY);
		} else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
			glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				rendererWrapper.handleTouchDrag(normalizedX, normalizedY);

		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

This touch listener takes the incoming touch events from the user, converts them into normalized coordinates in OpenGL’s normalized device coordinate space, and then calls the renderer wrapper which will pass the event on into our native code.

We’ll need to add the following to

public void handleTouchPress(float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
		on_touch_press(normalizedX, normalizedY);

	public void handleTouchDrag(float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
		on_touch_drag(normalizedX, normalizedY);

	private static native void on_touch_press(float normalized_x, float normalized_y);

	private static native void on_touch_drag(float normalized_x, float normalized_y);


We’ll also need to add the following to renderer_wrapper.c in our jni folder:

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_learnopengles_airhockey_RendererWrapper_on_1touch_1press(
	JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jfloat normalized_x, jfloat normalized_y) {
	on_touch_press(normalized_x, normalized_y);

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_learnopengles_airhockey_RendererWrapper_on_1touch_1drag(
	JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jfloat normalized_x, jfloat normalized_y) {
	on_touch_drag(normalized_x, normalized_y);

We now have everything in place for Android, and if we run the app, it should look similar to as seen below:

Air Hockey with touch, running on a Galaxy Nexus
Air Hockey with touch, running on a Galaxy Nexus

Adding support for iOS

To add support for iOS, we need to update ViewController.m and add support for touch events. To do that and update the frame rate at the same time, let’s add the following to viewDidLoad: before the call to [self setupGL]:

view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
self.preferredFramesPerSecond = 60;

To listen to the touch events, we need to override a few methods. Let’s add the following methods before - (void)glkView:(GLKView *)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect:

static CGPoint getNormalizedPoint(UIView* view, CGPoint locationInView)
    const float normalizedX = (locationInView.x / view.bounds.size.width) * 2.f - 1.f;
    const float normalizedY = -((locationInView.y / view.bounds.size.height) * 2.f - 1.f);
    return CGPointMake(normalizedX, normalizedY);

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
    UITouch* touchEvent = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint locationInView = [touchEvent locationInView:self.view];
    CGPoint normalizedPoint = getNormalizedPoint(self.view, locationInView);
    on_touch_press(normalizedPoint.x, normalizedPoint.y);

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [super touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event];
    UITouch* touchEvent = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint locationInView = [touchEvent locationInView:self.view];
    CGPoint normalizedPoint = getNormalizedPoint(self.view, locationInView);
    on_touch_drag(normalizedPoint.x, normalizedPoint.y);

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [super touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];

- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [super touchesCancelled:touches withEvent:event];

This is similar to the Android code in that it takes the input touch event, converts it to OpenGL’s normalized device coordinate space, and then sends it on to our game code.

Our iOS app should look similar to the following image:

Air Hockey with touch, on iOS
Air Hockey with touch, on iOS

Adding support for emscripten

Adding support for emscripten is just as easy. Let’s first add the following to the top of main.c:

static void handle_input();
// ...
int is_dragging;

At the beginning of do_frame(), add a call to handle_input();:

static void do_frame()
	// ...

Add the following for handle_input:

static void handle_input()
	const int left_mouse_button_state = glfwGetMouseButton(GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1);
	if (left_mouse_button_state == GLFW_PRESS) {
		int x_pos, y_pos;
		glfwGetMousePos(&x_pos, &y_pos);
		const float normalized_x = ((float)x_pos / (float) width) * 2.f - 1.f;
	    const float normalized_y = -(((float)y_pos / (float) height) * 2.f - 1.f);

		if (is_dragging == 0) {
			is_dragging = 1;
			on_touch_press(normalized_x, normalized_y);
		} else {
			on_touch_drag(normalized_x, normalized_y);
	} else {
		is_dragging = 0;

This code sets is_dragging depending on whether we just clicked the primary mouse button or if we’re currently dragging the mouse. Depending on the case, we’ll call either on_touch_press or on_touch_drag. The code to normalize the coordinates is the same as in Android and iOS, and indeed a case could be made to abstract out into the common game code, and just pass in the raw coordinates relative to the view size to that game code.

After compiling with emcc make, we should get output similar to the below:

Exploring further

That concludes our air hockey project! The full source code for this lesson can be found at the GitHub project. You can find a more in-depth look at the concepts behind the project from the perspective of Java Android in OpenGL ES 2 for Android: A Quick-Start Guide. For exploring further, there are many things you could add, like improved graphics, support for sound, a simple AI, multiplayer (on the same device), scoring, or a menu system.

Whether you end up using a commercial cross-platform solution like Unity or Corona, or whether you decide to go the independent route, I hope this series was helpful to you and most importantly, that you enjoy your future projects ahead and have a lot of fun with them. 🙂

Listening to Android Touch Events, and Acting on Them

Basic blending (additive blending of RGB cubes).
Basic blending.

We started listening to touch events in Android Lesson Five: An Introduction to Blending, and in that lesson, we listened to touch events and used them to change our OpenGL state.

To listen to touch events, you first need to subclass GLSurfaceView and create your own custom view. In that view, you create a default constructor that calls the superclass, create a new method to take in a specific renderer (LessonFiveRenderer in this case) instead of the generic interface, and override onTouchEvent(). We pass in a concrete renderer class, because we will be calling specific methods on that class in the onTouchEvent() method.

On Android, the OpenGL rendering is done in a separate thread, so we’ll also look at how we can safely dispatch these calls from the main UI thread that is listening to the touch events, over to the separate renderer thread.

public class LessonFiveGLSurfaceView extends GLSurfaceView
	private LessonFiveRenderer mRenderer;

	public LessonFiveGLSurfaceView(Context context)

	public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
		if (event != null)
			if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
				if (mRenderer != null)
					// Ensure we call switchMode() on the OpenGL thread.
					// queueEvent() is a method of GLSurfaceView that will do this for us.
					queueEvent(new Runnable()
						public void run()

					return true;

		return super.onTouchEvent(event);

	// Hides superclass method.
	public void setRenderer(LessonFiveRenderer renderer)
		mRenderer = renderer;

And the implementation of switchMode() in LessonFiveRenderer:

public void switchMode()
	mBlending = !mBlending;

	if (mBlending)
		// No culling of back faces

		// No depth testing

		// Enable blending
		GLES20.glBlendFunc(GLES20.GL_ONE, GLES20.GL_ONE);
		// Cull back faces

		// Enable depth testing

		// Disable blending

Let’s look a little bit more closely at LessonFiveGLSurfaceView::onTouchEvent(). Something important to remember is that touch events run on the UI thread, while GLSurfaceView creates the OpenGL ES context in a separate thread, which means that our renderer’s callbacks also run in a separate thread. This is an important point to remember, because we can’t call OpenGL from another thread and just expect things to work.

Thankfully, the guys that wrote GLSurfaceView also thought of this, and provided a queueEvent() method that you can use to call stuff on the OpenGL thread. So, when we want to turn blending on and off by tapping the screen, we make sure that we’re calling the OpenGL stuff on the right thread by using queueEvent() in the UI thread.

Further exercises

How would you listen to keyboard events, or other system events, and show an update in the OpenGL context?

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Android Lesson Five: An Introduction to Blending

Basic blending (additive blending of RGB cubes).
Basic blending.

In this lesson we’ll take a look at the basics of blending in OpenGL. We’ll look at how to turn blending on and off, how to set different blending modes, and how different blending modes mimic real-life effects. In a later lesson, we’ll also look at how to use the alpha channel, how to use the depth buffer to render both translucent and opaque objects in the same scene, as well as when we need to sort objects by depth, and why.

We’ll also look at how to listen to touch events, and then change our rendering state based on that.

Assumptions and prerequisites

Each lesson in this series builds on the one before it. However, for this lesson it will be enough if you understand Android Lesson One: Getting Started. Although the code is based on the preceding lesson, the lighting and texturing portion has been removed for this lesson so we can focus on the blending.


Blending is the act of combining one color with a second in order to get a third color. We see blending all of the time in the real world: when light passes through glass, when it bounces off of a surface, and when a light source itself is superimposed on the background, such as the flare we see around a lit streetlight at night.

OpenGL has different blending modes we can use to reproduce this effect. In OpenGL, blending occurs in a late stage of the rendering process: it happens once the fragment shader has calculated the final output color of a fragment and it’s about to be written to the frame buffer. Normally that fragment just overwrites whatever was there before, but if blending is turned on, then that fragment is blended with what was there before.

By default, here’s what the OpenGL blending equation looks like when glBlendEquation() is set to the default, GL_FUNC_ADD:

output = (source factor * source fragment) + (destination factor * destination fragment)

There are also two other modes available in OpenGL ES 2, GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT and GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT. These may be covered in a future tutorial, however, I get an UnsupportedOperationException on the Nexus S when I try to call this function so it’s possible that this is not actually supported on the Android implementation. This isn’t the end of the world since there is plenty you can do already with GL_FUNC_ADD.

The source factor and destination factor are set using the function glBlendFunc(). An overview of a few common blend factors will be given below; more information  as well as an enumeration of the different possible factors is available at the Khronos online manual:

The documentation appears better in Firefox or if you have a MathML extension installed.


OpenGL expects the input to be clamped in the range [0, 1] , and the output will also be clamped to the range [0, 1]. What this means in practice is that colors can shift in hue when you are doing blending. If you keep adding red (RGB = 1, 0, 0) to the frame buffer, the final color will stay red. However, if you add in just a little bit of green so that you are adding (RGB = 1, 0.1, 0) to the frame buffer, you will end up with yellow even though you started with a reddish hue! You can see this effect in the demo for this lesson when blending is turned on: the colors become oversaturated where different colors overlap.

Different types of blending and how they relate to different effects

Additive Color. Source:
The RGB additive color model. Source: Wikipedia
Additive blending

Additive blending is the type of blending we do when we add different colors together and add the result. This is the way that our vision works together with light and this is how we can perceive millions of different colors on our monitors — they are really just blending three different primary colors together.

This type of blending has many uses in 3D rendering, such as in particle effects which appear to give off light or overlays such as the corona around a light, or a glow effect around a light saber.

Additive blending can be specified by calling glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE). This results in the blending equation output = (1 * source fragment) + (1 * destination fragment), which collapses into output = source fragment + destination fragment.

A lightmap applied to the first texture from
An example of lightmapping.
Multiplicative blending

Multiplicative blending (also known as modulation) is another useful blending mode that represents the way that light behaves when it passes through a color filter, or bounces off of a lit object and enters our eyes. A red object appears red to us because when white light strikes the object, blue and green light is absorbed. Only the red light is reflected back toward our eyes. In the example to the left, we can see a surface that reflects some red and some green, but very little blue.

When multi-texturing is not available, multiplicative blending is used to implement lightmaps in games. The texture is multiplied by the lightmap in order to fill in the lit and shadowed areas.

Multiplicative blending can be specified by calling glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO). This results in the blending equation output = (destination fragment * source fragment) + (0 * destination fragment), which collapses into output = source fragment * destination fragment.

An example of two textures blended together. Textures from
An example of two textures interpolated together.
Interpolative blending

Interpolative blending combines multiplication and addition to give an interpolative effect. Unlike addition and modulation by themselves, this blending mode can also be draw-order dependent, so in some cases the results will only be correct if you draw the furthest translucent objects first, and then the closer ones afterwards. Even sorting wouldn’t be perfect, since it’s possible for triangles to overlap and intersect, but the resulting artifacts may be acceptable.

Interpolation is often useful to blend adjacent surfaces together, as well as do effects like tinted glass, or fade-in/fade-out. The image on the left shows two textures (textures from public domain textures) blended together using interpolation.

Interpolation is specified by calling glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). This results in the blending equation output = (source alpha * source fragment) + ((1 – source alpha) * destination fragment). Here’s an example:

Imagine that we’re drawing a green (0r, 1g, 0b) object that is only 25% opaque. The object currently on the screen is red (1r, 0g, 0b) .

output = (source factor * source fragment) + (destination factor * destination fragment)
output = (source alpha * source fragment) + ((1 – source alpha) * destination fragment)
output = (0.25 * (0r, 1g, 0b)) + (0.75 * (1r, 0g, 0b))
output = (0r, 0.25g, 0b) + (0.75r, 0g, 0b)
output = (0.75r, 0.25g, 0b)

Notice that we don’t make any reference to the destination alpha, so the frame buffer itself doesn’t need an alpha channel, which gives us more bits for the color channels.

Using blending

For our lesson, our demo will show the cubes as if they were emitters of light, using additive blending. Something that emits light doesn’t need to be lit by other light sources, so there are no lights in this demo. I’ve also removed the texture, although it could have been neat to use one. The shader program for this lesson will be simple; we just need a shader that will pass out the color given to it.

Vertex shader
uniform mat4 u_MVPMatrix;		// A constant representing the combined model/view/projection matrix.

attribute vec4 a_Position;		// Per-vertex position information we will pass in.
attribute vec4 a_Color;			// Per-vertex color information we will pass in.

varying vec4 v_Color;			// This will be passed into the fragment shader.

// The entry point for our vertex shader.
void main()
	// Pass through the color.
	v_Color = a_Color;

	// gl_Position is a special variable used to store the final position.
	// Multiply the vertex by the matrix to get the final point in normalized screen coordinates.
	gl_Position = u_MVPMatrix * a_Position;
Fragment shader
precision mediump float;       	// Set the default precision to medium. We don't need as high of a
								// precision in the fragment shader.
varying vec4 v_Color;          	// This is the color from the vertex shader interpolated across the
  								// triangle per fragment.

// The entry point for our fragment shader.
void main()
	// Pass through the color
    gl_FragColor = v_Color;
Turning blending on

Turning blending on is as simple as making these function calls:

// No culling of back faces

// No depth testing

// Enable blending
GLES20.glBlendFunc(GLES20.GL_ONE, GLES20.GL_ONE);

We turn off the culling of back faces, because if a cube is translucent, then we can now see the back sides of the cube. We should draw them otherwise it might look quite strange. We turn off depth testing for the same reason.

Listening to touch events, and acting on them

You’ll notice when you run the demo that it’s possible to turn blending on and off by tapping on the screen. See the article “Listening to Android Touch Events, and Acting on Them” for more information.

Further exercises

The demo only uses additive blending at the moment. Try changing it to interpolative blending and re-adding the lights and textures. Does the draw order matter if you’re only drawing two translucent textures on a black background? When would it matter?

Wrapping up

The full source code for this lesson can be downloaded from the project site on GitHub.

As always, please don’t hesitate to leave feedbacks or comments, and thanks for stopping by!

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