Welcome to Learn OpenGL ES!

Hi there, and welcome to Learn OpenGL ES!

This is the beginning of a site about developing graphics in OpenGL ES for Android, WebGL, and more. According to Khronos, OpenGL ES is “the standard for embedded accelerated 3D graphics” and is entering widespread use.

What is OpenGL ES?

OpenGL ES is a graphics library that can be used for 2D and 3D graphics. It is basically a slimmed-down and optimized version of desktop OpenGL and is used on Android, iPhone, J2ME, the web via WebGL, and more. There are currently two main branches: OpenGL ES 1.x, and OpenGL ES 2.x. The first version uses a fixed-function pipeline which will be familiar to people who have worked with desktop OpenGL and for those who have followed tutorials from other sites such as Nehe’s OpenGL tutorials.

The second version is somewhat of a different beast entirely, as many of the fixed functions have been removed with the functionality replaced by small programs known as shaders. This ability to program the graphics card gives a lot more power and flexibility, but it also requires more work and understanding from the developer.

Why learn OpenGL ES?

OpenGL ES is a cross-platform library, so once you learn it, you’ll be able to take that knowledge with you and create compelling and beautiful graphics across a wide variety of platforms. Hundreds of thousands of devices are shipping with OpenGL ES every single day. If you’re interested in learning more about mobile game development or the future of graphics on the web, then you’ll definitely want to learn OpenGL ES.

About me

Like some of you, I am also a beginner when it comes to OpenGL ES. My goal with this website is not only to develop my skills, but to share what I have learned with others. I have found over time that this is a good way to learn a topic that you’re interested in. I am personally interested in Android and WebGL in particular, so I will focus on those for now. In the meantime, I have linked to some great resources over in the right sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by, and hope to see you again soon.

About the book

Android is booming like never before, with millions of devices shipping every day. In OpenGL ES 2 for Android: A Quick-Start Guide, you’ll learn all about shaders and the OpenGL pipeline, and discover the power of OpenGL ES 2.0, which is much more feature-rich than its predecessor.

It’s never been a better time to learn how to create your own 3D games and live wallpapers. If you can program in Java and you have a creative vision that you’d like to share with the world, then this is the book for you.


Author: Admin

Kevin is the author of OpenGL ES 2 for Android: A Quick-Start Guide. He also has extensive experience in Android development.

9 thoughts on “Welcome to Learn OpenGL ES!”

  1. hello sir,
    1st i would like to say thank you for this book that i am reading right now!!!
    i am in chapter10 the particle proj (first pass or the very first part), when i run it everything is just black.
    i’ve check the code many times and im sure i didnt miss anything, but…
    when i use the tracer, i was wondering the call to glDrawArrays has a GL_NONE mode but in my code it’s clearly GL_POINTS. maybe openGL will automatically change it to GL_NONE if it sees something wrong?
    I really can’t find the bug, would you be kind enough to help me sir?
    thank you.

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